Mit dem imaginären Chakren-Empathie-Filter die Imaginationsreise vom Raumfeld über dein eigenes Raumfeld lesen um deine Gegenwart besser einschätzen zu können.
Der imaginäre Chakren Empathie Filter der Lichtcode Coaching Schlüssel. Durch die Verbindung mit dem Magnetischen Gitternetz der Erde erhältst du Zugang zu allen anderen Gitternetzen im All eins. Das innere Licht und die körpereigenen Lichtsysteme (Herz, Spirit etc.) sind aktiv. Du atmest dein eigenes göttliches Licht und von Jesus Christus die Christusenergie, verwurzelt durchwurzelt mit der Erde und Gaia die Überseele dem Erdsternchakra nimmst du den Pulsschlag und den Herzschlag der Erde in deinem Herzen wahr, fühle wie diese Energie durch dein Erdsternchakra in deine beiden Fußchakren, Seelensternchakra fließt, es kann alle negativen Erfahrungen , die auf der Zellebene eingelagert sind, transformieren, und die Informationen seiner menschlichen Entwicklung aktivieren das seinem Bewusstsein nicht mehr wieder spricht … Der imaginäre Chakren Empathie Filter steht zum Verkauf bei beepworld.
Gebrauchsanleitung: zu Beginn eine gute Erdung.
With the Imaginary Chakras-Empathy-Filter from the space field on your own space field to read better to assess your presence. Instructions for use: at the beginning of a good grounding. Lie down comfortably on a lounger. Feel the gentle contact with the earth's center with your feet and allow yourself to feel how you can grow powerful light roots out of your feet, from your legs and from your hips, and how you can root them through all earth layers.The deeper you go, the brighter your thoughts become. Tie your light roots together with your spirit within the healing energy of the earth. How to use the Imaginary Chakra Empathy Filter: For placing on the heart chakra or crown chakra (middle of the head) but also suitable for insertion. How to use the greeting card filter: For placing on the heart chakra or the crown chakra (middle of your head) but also suitable for insertion. Close your eyes and roll them up to the center of your head or down to the heart chakra and look into your space through your closed eyes. Enter with all your attention and talk inside ... I do not know how it happens, I just know that it happens ... NOW ... this wonderful flushing and deep cleansing of your space happening now ... which gradually freed you from beliefs, blockages, toxic emotions. Each time you speak inwardly, I dissolve, I dissolve, intensifies this deep flush, this cleansing in the highest and most pleasant way. Each time, you will let more and more of it go, which otherwise will prevent you from living a full and healthy life and contrary to your consciousness. Everything you have taken over your own space field and integrated is now deleted and replaced. Even though I do not know how, I only know that all this is now happening now in complete joy. I do not know how to let go of the part that makes me sick. What I know is just that I let it go ... Now ... So you start to perceive more and more of your spatial field spatially around you. Learn with the Imaginary Chakras Empathy Filter that it is so. If you can perceive your space field, ask your personal questions and listen to the inner speaking. Finally, thank the space field to let in let in the light and energy through your spinal canal, and thus through the source itself. You feel how visualized bright light streams in and your whole space is slowly flooded with something bright and good and fills with healing energy oft he earth. You begin to perceive more and more of your Spatial Space as lying around you, and your consciousness expands into it and you are in here and now with you.
Yours sincerely from Erregger Margret
The Imaginary Chakra Empathy Filter replaces a doctor's visit, psychologists or non-medical practitioners and is an aid on the subtle level. The human being and his higher self represent his individual personality, thus eliminating the 14-day right of return, since the filter is subtly marked on the information field. Copyright © Erregger All rights reserved. In heavy use, the information field weakens because the filter is consumed after some time and the function decreases. Everyone is responsible for what he gets and is responsible for himself and the application of the Imaginary Chakra-Empathy-Filter happens in self-responsibility, no promises of healing |